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Why Does My Cat Chew Plastic Bags?

What makes eating plastic bags so enjoyable?

Plastic bags from a grocery shop or other food retailer may retain the flavor and aroma of the food they contain, making chewing them a pleasurable experience. In addition, many bags have coatings like cornstarch, stearates (salts of stearic acid), or are comprised of animal byproducts like gelatin, which attract cats. The crinkly sounds that a plastic bag creates are equally entertaining to cats.

Cats’ dental health is another factor that may contribute to their bag-chewing behavior. If you notice your cat doing these things, you should take her to the doctor to make sure her teeth are healthy. As your cat may be chewing on strange objects as a sign that its daily nutritional requirements are not being met, you may also want to talk to your veterinarian about your cat’s diet. Finally, boredom can play a significant role in these types of behaviors. It is advisable to implement a strategy that combines management (to keep your cat safe) and enrichment (to meet your cat’s demands on a physical and mental level).

Why Plastic in Particular?

So many cats seem to prefer to munch on plastic bags is unclear. They might associate prey with the sound they create. The sound and sensation could be relaxing and enjoyable, so the cat receives encouragement each time he performs it.

How Can You Stop Eating Plastic Bags?

You might try the following methods to get your cat to ignore plastic bags:

Always check with your veterinarian first to be sure there isn’t a medical issue causing the behavior, especially if it appears suddenly or is connected to other strange habits.

Increase the amount of time you spend interacting and playing with your cat. To satisfy his daily drive to hunt, use wand toys to represent prey. If boredom or tension are the culprits, then that ought to assist.

Make sure your cat has enriching activities to engage in when you aren’t home. Puzzle toys are excellent for this since they give your cat something to think about while you are away and also help cats satisfy their predatory drives.

Spend money on scratching posts wisely. Never undervalue the therapeutic benefits of scratching for cats, and make sure you’re giving your own plenty of opportunities to do so.

Try changing your behavior. Set out a plastic bag while you are close to keep an eye on things. To stop your cat from chewing on it, throw a toy in a different direction. When he chases the toy and emerges from the plastic bag, lavish him with praise. If your cat is motivated by treats, you can also use them. To get your cat to learn that chewing on something else instead of plastic is more rewarding, you’ll need to do this repeatedly.

Cats who display symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder may benefit from antianxiety medication therapy. Because cats are extremely sensitive to many medications, consult your veterinarian before beginning any treatment.

Why a Cat Chews Plastic Bags Could Be Due to Boredom or Stress

The cat may have started acting in this way because his surroundings lacked stimulation, and chewing on plastic bags gave him something to do. Cats who don’t have enough playtime and stimulation from their surroundings are more likely to engage in antisocial behavior. Maybe you leave the cat alone for too long.

More Reasons

Due to their high level of instinct, cats will seek out alternative ways to obtain essential nutrients from their diet, even if that means consuming plastic bags.

The optimal cat food contains plenty of protein, moderate amounts of fat, and very few carbohydrates. If cats are fed commercial cat food that is unbalanced, they may look for other sources of nutrients.

Check the food that your cat is eating. Check the ingredients to make sure the first five are familiar items. Throw it away if you notice the terms “grain,” “byproduct,” or any other potentially dangerous components in pet food. Choose cat food that includes chicken, fish, turkey, liver, eggs, and other wholesome protein and fat sources among the first five ingredients. Generally speaking, fewer components are preferable.


It might not be alarming just yet if you’ve only recently noticed your cat nibbling on plastic. Like children, cats are inherently interested and will lick, bite, and chew on practically anything.

Monitor it, that is what. It might be time to consider other options if your cat and plastic frequently appear in the same frame or if you start noticing feline tooth marks on your plastic goods.

Give your cat toys and other areas of the house to explore as well. Some cats simply need to scratch their strong predatory itch with entertaining toys and lasers that make them feel like they’re out on the hunt.

An underlying medical condition

Cats can soothe themselves. Before informing anyone else that they are ill, they would like to make themselves feel better.

When your cat is feeling under the weather due to an underlying cat health issue, she may try to feel better by nibbling on plastic. PICA behaviors can be seen in cats with anemia, dental issues, diabetes, brain tumors, hyperthyroidism, and immune system deficits.

Make an appointment with your veterinarian. If identified early enough, many feline medical issues are treatable or even curable. Let a vet have a look if you’ve ruled out all other potential causes for your cat’s peculiar behavior.


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