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What Is The Best Oil For Kia Soul [Inc. Years 2010-2022]?

How Long Do Kia Souls Last?

For many customers, the durability of a vehicle is an important factor. Because not everyone can afford to replace their car every five years or so, longevity is a top priority. Owners of Kia Souls will be relieved to learn that these vehicles are built to last.

A well-maintained Kia Soul should last between 175,000 and 200,000 miles. If you drive 15,000 miles per year on average, the Soul should last between 11.5 and 13.5 years before it needs to be replaced.

It will take some effort on your part to get your Kia Soul to these higher mileage milestones. Routine maintenance is the key difference between Souls with issues around 100,000 miles and those with engines that have 200,000 miles or more on them.

Follow the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule, making sure to perform each item at the recommended time/mileage intervals.

In addition to routine maintenance, we recommend that you do the following to extend the life of your Kia Soul:

Maintain Cleanliness

You may not associate cleanliness with keeping your vehicle on the road longer, but this bit of vehicle maintenance can add years to the life of your Kia Soul. You’d be surprised how much a thorough washing can help the body live longer.

Any vehicle will be exposed to chemicals that will eventually harm the body. This is especially true of the road salt used by street crews to melt snow and ice during the winter months.

This substance will cause the exposed metals on your Kia to oxidize and rust out the frame over time. Washing your car on a regular basis removes this harmful substance.

On the inside, keeping it clean will extend the life of your air filters. Never smoke inside the vehicle because it will severely damage the filters. Smoking and vaping will also harm the Kia’s expensive electrical components.

Don’t Put Off Getting Repairs

Not all mechanical issues will manifest themselves during your visits to your Kia dealership for maintenance. You may be driving one day and feel an unusual vibration, smell a foul odor, or hear a sound that is out of the ordinary for your Soul.

If your senses detect anything out of the ordinary, get your Kia to a dealership or mechanic as soon as possible. Small problems can quickly grow into larger, more expensive problems if they are not addressed promptly.

Is the Kia Soul a dependable vehicle?

Longevity is important to many consumers, but it is not outweighed by the need for dependability. Many drivers do not want their primary vehicles to be in the shop for repairs, which can be costly in many cases. Many people base their purchasing decisions on dependability.

Those considering a Kia Soul will discover that it is an extremely dependable vehicle. J.D. Power and Associates gave the 2022 model an overall reliability rating of 87/100, which is considered “excellent” in this rating category. Across many model years, this consumer reporting agency consistently rates the Kia Soul as “great” or better.

The Soul has consistently ranked high in the class of compact SUVs according to U.S. News and World Report. The Soul has consistently ranked first or third in this category over the last several years. Given that there are 19 or more vehicles in this class, Kia has accomplished quite a feat.

Final Thoughts

Using the recommended grade of oil for your Kia Soul keeps your engine’s moving parts lubricated and cooled, extending the vehicle’s life. To avoid voiding your warranty, have the oil in your Soul changed at the factory-recommended intervals.

A properly maintained Kia Soul will last a decade or more on the road with few mechanical issues. Drive carefully!

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