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What Is The Best Oil For Kia Sorento?

If you’ve ever gone shopping for motor oil, you’ve probably noticed how many different brands and weights are available. If you own a Kia Sorento and are wondering what oil is best for it, we can assist you. We thoroughly researched the Sorento to ensure that you know exactly which model is recommended by experts.

For your Kia Sorento, synthetic motor oil is recommended. You should use SAE 0W-20 or SAE 0W-30 depending on the type of engine you have.

Now that we know what type of oil is best for the Kia Sorento, let’s look at what oil experts recommend for this vehicle. You may also be wondering how frequently you should change the oil in your Sorento or what happens if you drive with oil that has passed its expiration date. Read on to find out the answers to these and other questions, as well as the results of our research.

What Experts Have to Say About the Kia Sorento’s Engine Oil

We mentioned earlier in this post that Kia recommends using synthetic motor oil in your Sorento. This type of oil is becoming more popular because it has many advantages over traditional motor oils.

Although synthetic motor oil is more expensive per quart than conventional motor oil, it is more cost effective over time. Synthetic motor oil does not require as frequent replacement as conventional motor oil.

It lasts three times as long in your engine. Purchasing fewer quarts of oil saves money, as does the need to purchase additional oil filters.

Synthetic oil is also much more environmentally friendly. It is less difficult to dispose of and is better for the environment. Synthetic motor oil does not evaporate and has a lower viscosity than conventional oil.

However, it is not only the type of oil that requires your attention. The amount of oil you put in your crankcase is also important.

Why Is the Weight of the Oil You Select Important?

We mentioned earlier in this post that the Sorento will use either SAE 0W-20 or SAE 0W-30 oil. Which one you should use is determined by the engine in your Sorento.

You must use SAE oW-20 oil if your Sorento has a Smartstream G2.5 GDi engine. However, if you drive one with a Smartstream G2.5 T-GDi, you must use SAE 0W-30.

Different engines will necessitate different viscosities of oil in order to properly lubricate and cool the moving parts. When having this critical piece of routine maintenance performed, make sure you choose the correct weight.

When Should You Replace the Oil in Your Kia Sorento?

Oil changes are critical to the engine’s longevity in your Sorento. Failure to change the oil according to the manufacturer’s recommendations will severely damage the engine’s many working parts, resulting in expensive repairs or premature engine failure.

The frequency with which you change this vital fluid is determined by the age of your Sorento and the type of oil you use. If you use the recommended synthetic motor oil, replace it every 7,500 miles.

However, if you continue to use conventional motor oil, you will need to change it much more frequently. This type of oil should be changed in your Sorento every 3,000 miles.

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