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This Odd Creature Was Saved From Under A Bed, But What Was It?

Welcome To The Family

According to Dan Rossi, CEO of the Animal Rescue League Shelter and the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society, “the company of a pet can bring many beneficial benefits to the elderly,” but it is important to remember that pet ownership is a significant responsibility. He has also shared some sound advice as well as issued a warning with dealing with these kinds of situations, that pets are great for the elderly as companions but they also need a lot of care and attention themselves.

A Loving Home

Dan begs his readers to “please help them to ensure there is a support system in place if/when mental faculties begin diminishing” if they know someone who owns a pet and who may start to experience cognitive decline.
Remember that “open door shelters like the Animal Rescue League Shelter and the Western PA Humane Society do not turn any animal away if there are no other options for the pet,” Dan advised, “if there are no other options for the pet.”

Adjusting Well

Hidey will need some time to acclimatize to her new existence, as healing takes time. Especially because she’s already gotten rid of all that additional fur. She is now a true member of the family despite the fact that it took her some time to learn to trust humans and realize that they do not intend to hurt her. “You hold her, and she starts purring,” Russell says about the cat.
Jill is optimistic about Hidey’s future success. She still has more in store for her…


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