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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

This Odd Creature Was Saved From Under A Bed, But What Was It?

A Second Attempt

After some consideration, Paul decided to return to the house, but this time he would bring Jill with him. They had set up a trap and brought flashlights, so they could slip down the stairs stealthily. Eventually, they did notice it. The following day, I ventured down into the cellar. I went down and looked around with a flashlight; it was eerily like a scene from a horror film. And there she was, cowering in the nook. Paul reflects aloud on the experience.


They finally cornered the poor thing and, after a brief battle, managed to get it inside the cage. Jill had been doubtful of Paul’s description of a “dusty creature with large bright eyes,” but now that she was gazing at it, she couldn’t take her eyes off it.
They knew the only person who could help them was a vet, so off they went with the monster.

Professional Checkup

Paul and Jill were able to get over their initial shock once they reached the animal hospital. Worse yet, what the heck was that? Paul speculated that it might be a previously unseen species of wild animal, or at the very least a peculiar variant of a common animal he was unfamiliar with. No one among the veterinarians had any idea what was going on. Nothing like this had ever been seen before! Still, they were able to pinpoint its source.

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