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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

This Odd Creature Was Saved From Under A Bed, But What Was It?

A Hiding Place

Fear melted away like a blanket as Paul peered in relief at Siam, who was plainly hungry, nestled against the side of the tub as he carefully peeled down the shower curtain with one flick of his hand. While Paul was debating how to best deal with the disgruntled cat, a new sound from the shadows sent shivers down his spine.

Not Abandoned

A low-pitched, scratchy growl came from the room across the hall. If the cat’s inside, Paul wondered, then who or what might be outside causing all that commotion. He concluded that the cat’s concealment in the tub was probably due to a raccoon that had taken up residence in the abandoned house. Slowly making his way to the entrance, Paul saw something that will stick in his mind forever.

Odd Creature

Some of us wouldn’t have been as courageous as Paul and would have grabbed Siam and run out of there as fast as we could. As I looked around, I saw something big dart out from under the bed and run toward the basement. “What was that?” I wondered. Realizing he needed to gather a lot of nerve before venturing into the basement, he hurried out of the house.

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