Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

This Odd Creature Was Saved From Under A Bed, But What Was It?

The House

After trying the front door and a few lights, Paul realized he needed to check the circuit breakers in the basement before he could turn on the power. Intelligently, he returned to his car to retrieve a flashlight, then returned to the front door to shine it down the hall. He would have lost his flashlight immediately if it weren’t attached to a string around his wrist.


When Paul first walked into the house, he was taken aback by a strong odor that had nothing to do with the sight he had seen in the hallway. Trash filled every available inch of the home, reaching almost to the ceiling. There were years’ worth of newspapers, broken furniture, and what seemed like an infinite number of dishes stacked everywhere, along with a variety of boxes of various contents. Paul’s worries were amplified by the fact that all the windows had been covered up and there were mysterious scratch marks all over the walls.

Peculiar Sensation

Paul’s mind raced to images of giant rats, snakes, and other icky critters as he cautiously made his way through the house and noted the disarray and the animalistic claw marks.
He tried not to think the worts at every turn, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was following his every move. Paul tried not to let his imagination run wild as he pondered aloud, “Where is Siam?”

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