Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Puppy Gets Returned For 11th Time To Shelter, Then Staff Realizes What’s Going On

Put up posters

The morning was wasted searching for Benji and asking around; he was nowhere to be found. Since it seemed that no one had seen him, wanted posters were the logical next step. Stacy was hoping that no one from the shelter would come looking for them. In light of what had happened, she dreaded letting them down.

Two more days passed. Even now, Benji had vanished. No one has responded to the family’s widespread posting of posters. Stacy felt she had reached a point where she had to be completely forthright with the shelter. In the end, she decided to make contact. Meanwhile, something else transpired.


The phone then started to ring. Somebody had found him after looking for him. The caller didn’t want to go into detail about when or where the issue arose, but he seemed really distressed. Stacy felt herself perched on the edge of her seat and the adrenaline flooding her body. Just what was going on with Benji?

Stacy, a bundle of nerves and confusion, showed up at the man’s residence. The drive would take nearly an hour. How did Benji manage to wander so far from home? It was a mystery to her how Benji had pulled this off, but she was eager to see what she would discover anyway.

Benji in a cage

The man who had found Stacy was waiting for him at the door when he got home. While standing there with his arms crossed, he gave off a really angry vibe. Seriously, what the devil could Benji have done? Stacy was worried because the man didn’t seem to be doing anything.

He didn’t say much as he led Stacy inside, where he had Benji locked up in a cage and looking very sad. Stacy was about to get mad at the man for locking up the puppy until he began to explain what had happened. Stacy can’t seem to work up any ire toward him now. It was all going to click into place soon.

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