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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Puppy Gets Returned For 11th Time To Shelter, Then Staff Realizes What’s Going On

Benji needed a lot of work

Stacy was able to take Benji home the same day she adopted him since she had everything in order. Benji had gone through these similar routines for the eleventh time by this point. When he was finally freed from his cell, he always seemed emotionless.

During the ride back, Benji avoided making any kind of eye contact with Stacy at all costs. She was aware that there was a significant amount of work to be done in order to restore this poor dog’s trust in people and help him become the joyful and contented dog that he had been in the past. Stacy initially thought she could do it, but she quickly learned that she was wrong.

The other dogs

Stacy and Benji’s arrival at the house was met with excitement as Stacy’s parents were eager to meet their new son-in-law. The dog in the household had a new bed and bowl thanks to a trip to the pet store made by Stacy’s dad. Everyone was thrilled to take care of a new addition to the family.

The family had several dogs before getting Benji, so they already had a lot of the canine supplies they would need. Three more of them were already roaming the house. However, Benji’s diminutive stature made him the smallest of the bunch. Something was still wrong, but they couldn’t quite put their finger on it. But Benji was behaving in an odd way…

The other dogs just want to play

Benji’s difficulties with believing and interacting with the other dogs were immediately apparent to his family. He merely stood still and glanced around. Even though they took excellent care of him, it seemed as though Benji resented living with the family. They put forth 100% effort, that much is clear.

The family’s other dogs, however, weren’t quite as cautious of their new addition, and as soon as they were let out of the other room, they set about sniffing around their new housemate. One of them brought Benji a toy and the others were sniffing him like there was no tomorrow. Thereafter, Benji’s disposition changed slightly. Could he have enjoyed the spotlight so much?

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