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Puppy Gets Returned For 11th Time To Shelter, Then Staff Realizes What’s Going On

New trainee Stacy

Benji was sitting hunched over in a corner of his cage, doing nothing. The shelter accepted the explanation for his return that his eleventh owner had given them. It was evident that Benji didn’t trust him and was dissatisfied in life. They’re totally capable of accepting that as true…

All of the shelter workers were under the assumption that they had to do something to fix the problem. To their great relief, the solution came from a trainee named Stacy who had been with them for just approximately two weeks at the time, but already cared deeply about the dog. Is she Benji’s promised benevolent deity?

Wanting to adopt him

She was in the midst of her training for a veterinary medicine degree. During that time, she volunteered at a homeless shelter. That was the first time she laid eyes on Benji, and she instantly fell head over heels in love with him. The first time she saw Benji was when his previous owner gave him back to her.

She had only seen Benji in his extremely depressed state, but the more tenured employees at the shelter had filled her in on how funny Benji used to be. They also revealed that Benji had previously been rejected 11 times for various reasons.

Convincing the parents

But this had zero effect on Stacy. Saddened by their passing, she thought of all of Benji’s stupid previous owners who had dumped him at the shelter. She was adamant that this puppy get the good life it deserved. On the other hand, she had no idea what consequences her actions would have at this time…

Since she was still living with her parents, she would have to win them on to the idea of acquiring a puppy. As much as she feared it, they were enthusiastic about the plan. The couple had been considering buying a dog for some time, and Stacy’s impending departure prompted this consideration.

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