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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Puppy Gets Returned For 11th Time To Shelter, Then Staff Realizes What’s Going On

It kept happening

Nonetheless, the shetler decided against asking too many questions at that time. Benji would have been better off with a different family if they weren’t going to take care of him. They had no doubt that he would soon go to a loving new home. Surely this was just a random occurrence, right?

As it turned out, this whole situation was totally mundane. No matter what we did, it kept happening. Benij was adopted numerous times, but he was always returned to the shelter after a short amount of time, and each time, he was adopted again in less than two weeks. This never-ending loop left Benji any clearer on the subject of his permanent residence.

It didn’t make sense

The staff at the animal shelter were at a loss to explain what was going on because they had never seen anything like it before. The excuses given for sending the poor puppy back always seemed too flimsy and superficial. And since they diverged so widely, some of them must have been made up.

Some people said Benji was excessively active, while others said he never got out of bed. The amount of energy Benji possessed was questioned by several. Some said he was aggressive with canine companions, while others said he was terrified of the other dogs in the park. Everything about it seemed illogical…

Benji was obviously hurt

Not knowing what else to do with Benji, the shelter decided to put him up for adoption again. They couldn’t just keep him in the shelter indefinitely. After being returned for the eleventh time, no one had any hope that this unfortunate dog would ever find a home where he could stay for the rest of his life.

The puppy that had become the center of so much affection at the shelter was also showing signs of distress from being trapped in this never-ending cycle of suffering. They could see that every time he was put back in the case, the light in his eyes dimmed a little bit more. That’s when my heart was broken when I saw…

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