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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Puppy Gets Returned For 11th Time To Shelter, Then Staff Realizes What’s Going On

No good reason

When he was just three weeks old, he was brought into the shelter for the first time, and by then, it was too late. During his time with his previous family, there was a dog who had five healthy puppies. However, for some reason, they only kept four of the puppies and donated the fifth, Benji, to a shelter without giving an explanation.

An investigation was performed on Benji by the shelter’s on-call veterinarian after suspicions were initially raised. The shelter concluded that the dog probably just got unlucky and ended up here after all the testing showed there appeared to be nothing wrong with him.

A seemingly perfect family

They placed him for adoption that very same day, and he was already adopted the following morning. Since most dogs brought to shelters are already adults, the people who saw Benji knew they were getting a once-in-a-lifetime chance to adopt a young dog.

It looked like he was going to be adopted by the perfect family. They are a young couple who just got married and have a 5-year-old daughter who wants a puppy very much. Benji’s mother was able to work from home, too, so she could be there for him whenever he needed her. At the animal shelter, nobody ever thought they’d see Benjio again.

Strange reasons

However, this would turn out to be far from the reality. It didn’t take Benji’s new owners long to realize they made a mistake and bring him back to the shelter. Benji’s father had come alone, but the boy had followed behind him with glee and anticipation. Clearly, he felt a strong connection to the guys and had no notion that this would be his last encounter with them.

The men gave no solid reasons for returning Benji beyond the obvious ones. That wasn’t going well for whatever reason, and it had been going on for far too long. It was unfathomable, considering the shelter’s knowledge of the family.

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