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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Puppy Gets Returned For 11th Time To Shelter, Then Staff Realizes What’s Going On

The right choice

They called around to all the former owners and got the same story from everyone. The real reason Benji was sent back was because of an attack he made on another animal. With this, they were able to form a clearer picture of Benji and move on. What prompted this hostility, if any, to the other animals?

They lied about it because they were afraid for Benji’s life if the truth got out. That’s why they fabricated the story. Everyone in the family adored the dog too much to consider hurting it. However, they collectively returned him to the shelter to lessen the chances of it happening again while he was in their care.

Back to the shelter

Ordinarily, Benji would have been labeled a dangerous animal and put down, but Stacy and the shelter weren’t going to allow that to happen. Better choices could be made now that they had more data to work with. They realized they could help, and wanted to, Benji.

Benji was scheduled to stay at the shelter for around two weeks, during which time staff members would seek to earn his trust by exposing him to more cats. They were introduced to Benji one at a time in a controlled setting. Despite Benji’s initial reluctance to help, the animal sanctuary persisted in their attempts. Can we say that our money was well spent?

Forever home

Benji’s cat-aggression was coached out of him, and he was returned to Stacy and her family after a long and trying process. They were overjoyed to have their beloved dog, Benji, returned to them. Benji received a lot of affection from them. He expressed his gratitude to them.

Once that happened, they never had another issue with the dog again. Stacy had always hoped he would one day join their family, and he eventually did. Benji had finally found the home he would call his permanent residence. At that time, Benji didn’t need any more kennels; he had plenty of space.

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