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How AI Helps Companies Retain And Grow Customers In Today’s Attention-Starved World

By partnering innovative technology providers through the IMDA Open Innovation Platform, a digital news site and an online platform for Asian films are now able to better engage their audiences

You may ask any seasoned media expert or publishing organization, and they will tell you that content is king. The material, be it a film, record, or digital news story, must be interesting if it is to be viewed and read by consumers.

At the same time, many businesses are coming to terms with the fact that, in today’s on-demand, highly competitive environment, outstanding content needs to be disseminated extensively and tailored to the correct consumers in order to succeed.

Artificial intelligence could be useful to these businesses in spreading their material to the widest possible audience (AI).

Solutions in a cookieless world

AsiaOne has teamed up with the AI firm Neural Lab to develop an AI-powered automated personal article recommender. With users’ concern about privacy on the rise, the AI-driven tool will assist in providing reading recommendations devoid of potentially invasive tracking cookies.

To protect their users’ privacy, Apple and Google have announced that they will no longer support third-party cookies. As a result, the media industry will need to come up with a creative way to balance the needs of its clients with the stricter privacy regulations that will likely come into effect in the near future.

AsiaOne used the free consultancy services of the IMDA Open Innovation Platform (OIP) to pinpoint this business issue and craft a clear problem statement before turning to the audience for creative solutions. The OIP provided assistance in evaluating the solutions and connected AsiaOne with Neural Lab, an artificial intelligence startup based in Hong Kong.

AsiaOne has teamed up with the AI firm Neural Lab to develop an AI-powered automated personal article recommender. With users’ concern about privacy on the rise, the AI-driven tool will assist in providing reading recommendations devoid of potentially invasive tracking cookies.

To protect their users’ privacy, Apple and Google have announced that they will no longer support third-party cookies. As a result, the media industry will need to come up with a creative way to balance the needs of its clients with the stricter privacy regulations that will likely come into effect in the near future.

AsiaOne used the free consultancy services of the IMDA Open Innovation Platform (OIP) to pinpoint this business issue and craft a clear problem statement before turning to the audience for creative solutions. The OIP provided assistance in evaluating the solutions and connected AsiaOne with Neural Lab, an artificial intelligence startup based in Hong Kong.

Finding the right innovation partners

Through its high-touch, end-to-end professional consultancy services, OIP acts as a bridge between the tech world and the business world, helping companies with everything from identifying their problems to crowdsourcing for creative solutions to evaluating those solutions and agreeing on measurable outcomes with their technology partners.

This advisory assistance is provided at no cost as part of an effort to promote business innovation in Singapore. After a successful prototype has been developed, companies award cash prizes to the winning solution provider.

More than 11,000 solution providers, ranging from solo entrepreneurs to Fortune 500 tech giants, are available through OIP. The platform has hosted competitions with prize pools totaling over $9 million, involving more than 300 problem statements.

The OIP connects businesses with the ideal AI-savvy partner, allowing them to expand their content’s reach and audience base.

AI to sieve through and curate videos

Viddsee, a local content platform startup, also discovered an AI solution supplier on the OIP. It teamed up with Sensifai, an artificial intelligence company based in Belgium, to develop a data-optimized method for gathering and producing video content.

Mr. Ho Jia Jian, CEO and co-founder of Viddsee, said, “With the help of Sensifai, Viddsee is able to utilize AI to select and sieve through video material on our platform, allowing teams to scale up.”

The OIP’s systematic approach to matching problems with solutions was particularly impressive to Viddsee, a storytelling platform for short premium content. A tangible impact is created by this.

Mr. Ho explained that the OIP will help “define the problem statement and solution scoping that fulfills objectives” before any projects were begun.

Through improved video analysis, “with the proof of concept, we expect that AI can automatically tag content while identifying possible videos,” he said.

There hasn’t been any progress made on the project with Sensifai yet, but he thinks they’ll continue working together in the future.

He elaborated, saying, “Today, data generation is easily influenced by shifting audience demand.” “AI will be the answer to decipher all the data and aid core businesses in new and inventive ways,” one expert predicted.

Both companies benefited from the OIP cooperation since it gave them access to innovative skills that would have been prohibitively expensive to acquire independently.

From lab to real world

It’s also a chance for companies that offer AI solutions to show off the benefits of their lab work in the real world.

Sensifai’s CEO and co-founder, Dr. Mohamad Hasan Bahari, credited the OIP platform with helping the company land its first customer in Singapore. He added that the company hoped to use Viddsee’s positive recommendation to win over additional clients in the region.

Additionally, “Sensifai and Viddsee, envision a collaborative international commercial expansion based on the jointly produced product,” he said.

Because of its OIP cooperation, Neural Lab has been able to “plant its flag” in the Singaporean market, forge relationships with government agencies, and raise its profile in the Asia-Pacific region.

Mr Raymond Ling, co-founder and head of product development at Neural Lab, said, “Through partnering with AsiaOne, we have obtained first-hand knowledge and significant insights.”

Using this “domain knowledge” in the business, he said, “we are actively exploring further ways to apply our AI capabilities.”

To succeed in the coming digital era, more and more businesses will need to choose reliable partners. Because of how quickly technology changes, skilled workers are in limited supply.

Mr. Giam has stated that the digital media industry confronts the same manpower difficulties as other companies. “Accuracy in addition to speed is a must.”

“This calls for an open approach toward technology, beginning with an acceptance and understanding of needs and continuing on to working on a solution with tech partners to prevail,” he said.

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