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From Lala Bee Hoon To Shrimp Gambas And Pizzas: How To Pair Sake With Your Favourite Seafood Dishes


The flavors in Chinese food can range widely. Chinese liqueurs like baijiu are known for their robust flavors and potent aromas. Because of this, wine has traditionally stood in for other beverages when serving a meal. Some Chinese foods are prepared with vinegar, which adds a sour flavor, and may not pair well with wines.

When it comes to pairing food, though, nothing beats Japanese sake. Citrus and straw greet the aroma and taste, giving way to a developing tropical fruit flavor in a wine with a clean yet complex finish.

It is recommended to match sake with Chinese food because the acidic flavors in Chinese food bring out the fruity flavors in the sake. Light Chinese fare like steamed fish goes well with either an Honjozo or Junmai, while more strong flavors call for an aged sake. Vinegar-based meals could also benefit from pairing with a sparkling sake. You can’t go wrong with a Japanese sake that has a smooth finish and hints of tropical fruit to drink with your Chinese stir fry.

Asian fusion

When chefs ignore boundaries and combine flavors from all over the world, it can be a challenge for diners to figure out what they’re eating. Wines, sake, and other alcoholic beverages are often used in Asian fusion cooking to complement the fresh ingredients and amplify the dish’s savory, sweet, salty, sour, and umami flavors while also balancing the dish’s heat and texture.

Fish crudo dishes are a great match for the fruity, tropical notes in Junmai Ginjo, a versatile and refreshing sake. Because of the sake’s purity and subtlety, the bold flavors of the food can really stand out.


Spanish food is well-known for its richness and umami: Seafood tapas like grilled octopus and gambas al ajillo, as well as cured meats like jamon iberico (pork leg) and pulpo (octopus), are great examples of traditional Spanish tapas (Spanish garlic shrimp).

In order to balance out the rich umami flavors of traditional Spanish meals like paella de marisco (seafood paella), a rich sake such as Junmai or Junmai Ginjo is recommended.

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