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Doctors Can’t Believe What’s Happening While This Woman Is Giving Birth

Happy New Year

When Nicole unexpectedly gave birth to twins, the medical staff had to get ready to care for two infants instead of one.

Gerber’s staff went above and above to ensure that all newborns were cared for and healthy.

Baby Cade’s breathing problem was nearly resolved just a few days later, and Blakeley was exhibiting signs that she was ready to go home.

What a fantastic way to start a new year!

Overcoming Health Issues

Today, Cade was switched to a continuous positive airway pressure machine. Excellent news, and a significant step toward his lungs recovering and his breathing improving! Blakeley has a slight case of jaundice but is otherwise doing well; we are keeping our fingers crossed that she will be freed tomorrow. Matt said, “Thank you so much for all of your support throughout the years!”

By January 2nd, Cade was breathing normally without the CPAP. Blakeley, Cade’s twin sister, was also battling illness, but she was able to recover while he was fighting with respiratory problems.

Blakeley’s Health Issues

Blakeley was battling off a bacterial infection while her sibling battled respiratory problems.

The doctors are still worried about Blakeley’s initial blood culture being positive, Matt wrote in a January 2 status update. “We were really expecting to bring Blakeley Home tonight,” he wrote.

Blakeley’s doctors were on the ball, and they gave her antibiotics to take over the course of a week. Her condition had already begun to improve by the end of the first day.

Throughout it all, Matt was an anchor for the family.

Proud Parent

The siblings were proving their mettle to the world, and their resolve only became stronger as time went on. Matt reported the twins’ progress on January 5.

Both children are thriving! We’re crossing our fingers for Cade’s freedom tomorrow!! All we need to do now is make sure he drinks from the bottle for the next 24 hours and we’ll be set!! Now that he no longer needs oxygen or an IV, he can breathe on his own. Also, Blakeley is doing great! She’ll be home on Sunday if the antibiotics do their job, which they should if she takes them for just 2 more days.

Can you even begin to imagine how excited the new father was?

Happy Homecoming

Babies had been in the hospital for over a week before they could go home.

Imagine going to the hospital expecting to bring home one baby and instead bringing home two. We have no doubt that Nicole and Matt faced the challenges of parenting twins with an optimistic outlook and that they now have a thriving family.

They have also been buoyed by the encouragement of others they’ve told about their incredible adventure, including family, friends, neighbors, and the whole web.


Here’s to one big, happy family.

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