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Doctors Can’t Believe What’s Happening While This Woman Is Giving Birth

A Handsome Son

Nicole’s epidural had worn off, and she was in a lot of pain as she began pushing again to deliver her second child.

The epidural had worn off and Nicole thought she was done pushing, but she had to push again. The pain in her back was excruciating, but she made it, Matt wrote on Facebook.

At 11:05 p.m., 59 minutes after the birth of their daughter, Blakeley Faith, the couple welcomed their son, Cade Matthew.

The combined weight of the twins was nine and a half pounds; Cade weighed five.

But was Cade as healthy as his sister Blakeley?

Still in Shock

What in the world prevented Nicole from discovering she was carrying twins during her pregnancy?

The fact that no one suspected Nicole was having twins until she was already in labor suggests that the pair tried to limit the number of medical checkups she had throughout her pregnancy. After performing the ultrasound, how did they miss Nicole going into labor?

Nicole told WWZM 13, “It was just a shell shock because no one was expecting it, and everyone in the room thought they had seen a ghost.”

Everyone was left speechless about the twins, but the medical team needed to put their attention into caring for Cade.

The Ultrasound

It turns out that little Cade was hiding from the ultrasound technician behind his sister the whole time. Really, what were the odds of that happening?

The medical staff needed to give their full attention to Cade, even if the current situation was stranger than fiction.

The lungs and fluid in his lungs did not come out as well as his sister’s because “he was pushed out so quickly and never really had contractions,” Matt wrote on Facebook.

Don’t worry, the doctors knew what they were doing and the newborns were right where they needed to be.

Two Babies

After a week, the neonates’ medical problems had been resolved, and they were content and healthy. It was time for them to go home from the hospital.

Nicole and Matt were unprepared to become parents twice over. After the birth of her second child, Nicole told WZZM 13, “My initial thinking was, ‘oh crap!’ we need a second crib, a second car seat, a second everything.”

Matt said, “We just had no notions that there was going to be another child, our whole house is set for one child.”

But after the shock wore off, the couple’s initial concerns faded.

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