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Doctors Can’t Believe What’s Happening While This Woman Is Giving Birth

Not Over Yet

They couldn’t have been happier to become first-time parents.

The wife of the narrator in this story is a true trooper. I am grateful to everyone at Gerber for all they did for us, and I am so impressed by her strength and resilience throughout it all. Really, they were fantastic. ,” Matt wrote on his Facebook status.

With the baby delivered, their night was over right? Well, there was one more surprise in store for these new parents.

The Impossible is Happening

The delivery of baby Blakeley was complete, and the doctors thought that all Nicole would need was a few stitches to close the incision.

The medical staff witnessed the miraculous as the obstetrician began working on the placenta. The couple had just witnessed the wonder of birth, but more was in store for them.

The doctors checked Nicole to make sure she was healthy and that’s when they noticed something that no one was ready for.

Two Babies

So, what exactly transpired?

“I reached in to check the patient and noticed there was a head,” Dr. Megan Forshee, Nicole’s doctor, told WZZM 13.

One of the babies had to be pushed out to make room for the other. Really, what were the odds of that happening?

Nicole told WZZM 13 that she and her family initially believed that “Dr. Forshee” was joking.

They found out they were expecting twins! They’d gone into the night thinking they’d be taking one baby home, but instead discovered they had two. What a thrilling prospect.

But how could this have happened?

Second Delivery of the Night

When doctors learned that Nicole was carrying twins, they got ready for the night’s second emergency c-section.

Those who were waiting outside the delivery room for the couple were completely in the dark. As they watched people come and go from the room, they worried about Nicole and the baby’s safety.

“It seemed like the entire floor of the hospital had gathered in our room to make sure we were going to be fine. It was absolutely insane,” Matt wrote on Facebook.

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