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Doctors Can’t Believe What’s Happening While This Woman Is Giving Birth

An Ultrasound

Medical staff members did everything they could to avoid using scans or other invasive procedures to monitor baby’s progress while Nicole was in labor in an effort to preserve the baby’s natural birth.

Nicole had agreed to an ultrasound for her baby’s safety, and the results showed that everything appeared to be progressing normally.

But as the hours wore on, Nicole’s pain increased, and she knew she’d need some kind of assistance getting through labor and giving birth.

Still in Labor

Nicole was able to cope with her contractions and the pain they caused thanks to an epidural, which wasn’t part of the couple’s original delivery plan.

Because of the baby’s elevated heart rate, the doctor decided to use a vacuum to assist in the delivery. “[Nicole] pushed for another 2.5 hours after the epidural, and then the baby decided to start showing signs of stress for the first time,” Matt said. Wow, what a wild ride!

And this was just the beginning.

Making Changes

Envision your water breaking a whole month earlier than expected, and then having your birthing plans change while you’re already in labor. How frightening! Yes, that pretty much sums up what Nicole and Matt went through.

They drove two hours through a blizzard to get to the hospital, and then Nicole had to endure hours and hours of labor once they got there instead of having a natural birth at home.

But the couple were about to experience some good fortune and, in more ways than one. Buckle up—no one saw this one saw this coming.

A Beautiful Daughter

On Friday at around 10:06 p.m., after making it through the night, you finally make it to the hospital. Baby Blakeley Faith Ziesemer was born to Matt and Nicole on Saturday, December 30, 2017.

Because she was born a month prematurely, the baby only weighed four pounds, four ounces, which is less than half as much as a full-term infant.

Why was their beautiful daughter so small? Nicole and Matt were about to find out.

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