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Doctors Can’t Believe What’s Happening While This Woman Is Giving Birth

Finally at the Hospital

Even though Matt and Nicole’s evening got off to a rough start, they were in for some pleasant news later on.

After being delayed by traffic, the couple finally made it to the hospital between 3:30 and 4:00 a.m., by which time Nicole’s contractions were already at a high intensity.

However, they were about to be comforted by the sight of a familiar figure working at the hospital they had visited that morning.

So, who were Matt and Nicole about to see?

A Familiar Face

Lucky for Nicole and Matt, a family member or friend of the couple happened to be working at the hospital when the couple arrived. How likely is that, exactly?

“So 7 A.M. We knew we were in the right place when Raymond, Nicole’s brother, walked in; he was covering a 7-7 shift at the hospital. Particularly given that “he never works at Gerber, typically downtown GR,” as Matt revealed on Facebook.

And Nicole’s brother wasn’t the only familiar face working at Gerber Hospital.

Another Familiar Face

While Nicole and her family were in the hospital, Nicole’s brother stopped by during his shift to see how they were doing. What a fantastic sibling you are!

However, long before he showed up for his 7 a.m. When Nicole was admitted to the hospital, another family was working a night shift.

Matt wrote on Facebook that his wife Emily is a nurse at Gerber and that she had been their “nurse for the whole night” because she had been working the 7-7 night shift.

Labor Pains

As soon as Nicole’s water broke, she and Matt sped to the hospital, but the baby still wasn’t quite ready to make her entrance.

Nicole’s contractions intensified over the course of the next several hours, and she began to gradually dilate. After being sick for more than four days, Nicole was in intense pain during labor.

At the thirty-hour mark, Nicole, who had planned on a natural birth, decided to get an epidural and pain medication in the hopes of hastening the process.

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