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Doctors Can’t Believe What’s Happening While This Woman Is Giving Birth

Her Water Broke

The expecting mother wasn’t feeling well, and her condition deteriorated over time. Then, suddenly, in the middle of the night, she understood what was going on.

My lovely pregnant wife Nicole Ziesemer woke me up at 12:30 a.m. on Friday to tell me her water had broken. Due date was January 30th, so that was 4.5 weeks early. Matt wrote on Facebook that they had “called our midwife.”

So, what was next for Nicole and the baby?

Experiencing Contractions

The agony Nicole had been feeling for the past three days wasn’t just from the virus; it was the beginning of labor, and her water had burst.

Due to Nicole’s advanced maternal age (she was only 36 weeks along), the couple was recommended to go to the hospital rather than risk a home delivery.

According to Matt, “they work well with our midwife and focus more on the natural side of things,” which is why he and his wife chose Gerber Hospital in Fremont.

Changing the Birthing Plan

Nothing can truly prepare you for the experience of giving birth and caring for a newborn, no matter how many books you read or how many movies you watch. And giving birth is one of the most challenging aspects of pregnancy. There is absolutely no way to predict what will happen.

Oftentimes, you have little control over what your body decides to do. The couple may have had to improvise a new method of giving birth, but they would soon learn that “everything happens for a reason.”

Harsh Winter

And even though they were able to find a hospital to accommodate their preferences of having the birth as natural as possible, the hospital wasn’t close to them. And the weather wasn’t going to make things any easier for the expecting parents.

We got 10 inches of snow and then we [drove] two hours to Fremont in a blizzard!,” Matt posted on Facebook. “I don’t know who remembers Thursday night into Friday, but along the lakefront was a real blizzard.”

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