Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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How to Deal with a Jealous Pet

In a recent study on dog behavior, psychologists unequivocally discovered that dogs do experience jealousy. Dogs do sense jealousy, whether it’s the same kind of jealousy that people feel or a result of deeply entrenched behaviors like resource guarding or…

Pet Care: Make Friends with Your Pet

PART ONE KNOW YOUR PET Nobody can compare to how much you love your pet. Part of that affection is making certain they get the greatest veterinarian care possible. When you get ready for routine checkups, are aware of emergencies,…

What Do Dogs Dream About When They Sleep?

It’s not known with scientific certainty if dogs dream, but it’s hard to think that they don’t. We’ve all seen our dogs act in similar ways while they sleep as they do when they are up. Our dogs’ paddling legs,…

Why is My Dog Shaking?

Have you ever wondered why your dog would tremble, shiver, or shake in a warm climate? Even when it’s not chilly outside, a lot of dogs shiver or shake. Chihuahuas and other small dogs are particularly prone to this. Shivering…