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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Puppy Gets Returned For 11th Time To Shelter, Then Staff Realizes What’s Going On

The procedure of adopting a dog is rarely an easy one. People would believe that it is, but it requires a tremendous deal of responsibility, notably if the animal that is going to be adopted has experienced some bad periods in its life in the past. But even through the challenges, it turns out that some of the satisfying dogs to have are the ones that were toughest to grow.

Benji was adopted multiple times but kept being returned to the shelter for unknown reasons. It had happened eleven times by this point, and each of his owners had given equally lame and transparently phony explanations each time. They didn’t know what was wrong with Benji until the new trainee decided to take him home with her. None of the staff at the shelter saw this coming.

Returning Benji AGAIN

Benji was a mixed breed, and neither one knew for definite which breed he belonged to. He was a blend of Labrador Retrievers and Goldie Retrievers, with a little bit of Asian Villages Dog tossed in for good measure. He was a really sweet boy while he was at a shelter; unfortunately, he just can’t seem to survive with one family during any length of time.

Stacy was under the influence of the event and visibly shaken as she made her way back to the shelter. In the backseat, Benji was fast asleep. Stacy’s guilt was overwhelming because she’d been so sure she could help this poor dog, but now she had to take him back to the shelter for the 12th time. At least now they know what caused it…

Disappointment at the shelter

It’s never fun for anyone involved when a dog has to be returned to the shelter. It’s already difficult for shelter staff when their efforts pay off and a dog is adopted, only to have the dog returned. Consider that Benji has been rebuffed a grand total of twelve times…

Stacy had called ahead and made some arrangements, so when she and Benji got there, there were already three other workers there. They were disappointed that the adoption had failed, but they were also eager to learn why, since this was their chance to hear the truth.

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