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This Odd Creature Was Saved From Under A Bed, But What Was It?

Most Unexpected

You wouldn’t think you’d accidentally stumble into a scene from a Hoarders/Alien crossover, but then you do. Akin to what happened to Paul Russel when he went to see a relative at their home. Paul’s heart was pounding as he aimed the spotlight towards the bed, briefly revealing an unidentified monster with a deep growl that darted away and down into the cellar so quickly that he could hardly keep the light on it.

Time To Decide

Paul’s distant cousin had to be relocated from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to be closer to his children so that they could take care of him in his old age. It’s understandable that the old man’s loved ones would not have foreseen the domino effect that would result from their decision to remove him from the house after he’d been living there alone for so long.

Lost And Alone

The nursing home’s policy on bringing pets into residents’ rooms left the elderly man’s beloved 17-year-old cat, Siam, alone in the house with no one to feed him and no one to care for him.
Both Paul and his wife are avid animal lovers, so when they heard they were getting another cat, they figured, “What the heck.” Paul, however, would soon discover that Siam was not the only inhabitant of the mansion.

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