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7 Beloved Movies That Would Be Problematic Today

There are many pleasant recollections when we think back on our favorite movies, but we frequently ignore the negative elements. Many movies contain discrimination or other problematic elements that were acceptable in their day but are no longer acceptable in the year 2020. Here are some of the most shocking scenes from Hollywood movies that we were unaware were offensive.

1. Love Actually

There are numerous problems with the romantic comedy with a Christmas theme, which will enrage many people. For starters, the British movie frequently fat-shames people, shows instances of bigotry, and shows the disgusting side of power relations. Do you recall that housewife and Colin Firth? Or we may concentrate on the very stalker-like cue card performance that takes place at the conclusion. Absolutely not cute, and ladies, you deserve better.

2. Grease

In Grease, John Travolta had a lot of us smitten. It is a love story after all, complete with predatory music lyrics. What truly gets on our nerves in Grease is the central concept of the love tale. The role played by Olivia Newton John illustrates the notion that if a woman completely transforms herself, she would stand a chance of meeting the guy of her dreams. These days, more and more movies encourage audiences to “be yourself,” as they should!

3. Sixteen Candles

It’s simple to romanticize this film because Molly Ringwald won our hearts in so many 1980s sequences. But whenever you catch yourself falling for the fantasy, think back to the racist stereotypes of Asians that Long Duk Dong represented. We are so disappointed in the character that was created for Gedde Watanabe because he was a shining example of Asian representation on television. Assaulting Caroline while she is intoxicated and unconscious is another topic of discussion.

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