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8 Iconic Dresses That Shaped Pop Culture For Years To Come

1. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Marilyn Monroe can make anything appear amazing, but the pink outfit she wore in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes stands out. This dress is one of a kind for sure. It’s strapless but still a full length gown; it’s made of vivid pink satin; it has a stunning bow in the back; and it comes with a pair of matching pink gloves. Surprisingly, this wasn’t supposed to be Marilyn’s dress in the film; rather, it was a last-minute replacement manufactured in just two days after the studio rejected the first option.

2. Titanic

This breathtaking gown will always be associated with Rose’s near-suicide in Titanic. On the one hand, we should applaud her for picking such a lovely outfit to die in; on the other, it would have been a shame to damage it. The good news is that Jack was there to talk her out of it.

3. The Chronicles Of Narnia

There are some of us here who are die-hard fans of Harry Potter, and as a result, we aren’t completely sold on the Lion or the Witch, but the Wardrobe is very amazing. Take a good look at this dress. It was designed to convey the chilly aspect of the character in the movie and to resemble the hue of ice as closely as possible. Lace was used for the top layer of this dress, which was actually very well thought out and constructed utilizing three layers of materials: velvet (for structure), wool, and silk (for texture), and lace for the top layer (for that majestic elegance).

4. Gone With The Wind

This particular outfit in green was designed to give the impression that it was thrown together hastily and on the spot. If you have seen the movie, you are aware that Scarlett O’Hara, who purportedly had nothing to wear, made a dress for herself out of some old velvet curtains because she had nothing else to wear. We have no choice but to admit that this was a brilliant strategy, and the end product is both eye-catching and easy to recall.

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