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10 Foods That Contain Way More Sugar Than You Think

6. Pasta Sauce

Despite the fact that all bottled sauces are loaded with sugar, pasta sauce seems out of place here. After all, it’s not even sugary! Some of the sugar comes from the tomatoes themselves, but most of it is added for flavor and preservation purposes. Since as much as 12 grams of sugar can be found in only half a cup of pasta sauce, reducing the amount of sugar in your diet requires either making your own sugar-free sauce or selecting one with minimal amounts of sugar in the ingredients list.

7. Dried Fruit

Dried fruit may look like a nutritious snack, but the reality is rather different. Be wary of dried fruit manufacturers that add sugar before buying. On the other hand, the sugar in fruits is concentrated during the drying process, such that a single dried fruit has as much or more sugar as two or three fresh ones would. It’s easy to eat a lot of sugar without realizing it.

8. Sports Drinks

Since exercise is considered beneficial to health, sports drinks should also be. Certainly not the case with sports drinks, which were developed to provide players an extra burst of energy. Each bottle can contain an astonishing 40 grams of sugar. You don’t need to take any more than the recommended daily allowance! Stick to water; it’s the only liquid you actually need when working out.

9. Flavoured Coffee

In all honesty, do you realize how much sugar is in that flavored coffee of yours? It probably won’t come as a big shock to you, but bear with me. That extra-large hazelnut latte or cappuccino with vanilla syrup might have as much as 50 grams of sugar. This is equivalent to about eleven teaspoons of sugar. It’s best to drink coffee in moderate quantities rather than huge ones.

10. Canned Soup

Who knew that canned soup could hold so much sugar? However, it could be a sugar bomb if you don’t check the label. Keep a look out for sugar that goes by a different name besides sucrose, maltose, barley malt, etc. If there are a number of sugars mentioned with very low levels, it’s likely that the product contains too much sugar. Seek out the sugar on the list of ingredients.

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